
Reality Bites

Yesterday, something huge (at least for me) happened. I got a call from a fashion editor of a big local magazine asking me if I could meet up for an interview. I was recommended by my FIP teacher, John Herrera, for the Jr. Fashion Editor position. She called at around 2pm and asked if we could meet at Greenbelt at around 5pm. I panicked as soon as we finished talking. I only had 3 hours to prepare and my portfolio and writing samples are not yet ready!  So after putting down the phone I quickly created short articles (thanks Mich for proofreading), took a bath and prayed that I get there on time. We met at a nice cafe and she was surprisingly nice (and gorgeous!). The meeting went well, she mostly spent the time reading my blogs and my "last minute" portfolio. It's easy to feel comfortable with her. The job was what I've always imagined it would be. And I'm pretty confident I could breeze through it. But when she told me how much I'd be paid, my heart sank. It felt like my dreams collided with an iceberg and sunk deep down in the ocean--mala Titanic. Most people told me to risk it, easy for them to say when they have their parents to help them. If I push through I would most probably die of starvation. Haha. I have an apartment, bills to pay, and my shopping needs (haha). I don't think I can survive with that kind of pay. :c The job also requires 100% of my time, meaning I can't do Archive anymore or blog that much or work part-time. It's also hard to go on vacations since there are scheduled shoots almost everyday. It's like starting from 0 again. And I think I'm already too old for that (I'll be 27 this month!). The cons have really outweighed the pros. Sigh. Oh well.

I  was so confused that I surprisingly finished my food (an achievement haha!)...

Mich checking out her leaf, the previous one got little worms! Eeek.

Banana Leaf: thai fried rice, clams with chili sauce, pandan iced tea

And this is what I wore to our meeting. Ms.Editor even approved! :)

pantsuit from FabsnTrends, thrifted cropped jacket, Elle shoes, thrifted bag, random accs

And of course, I can't not bring anything home. I felt the urge to shop yesterday. Haha.

Tomato "Jeggings"--love the color and fit!

 YRYS rope belt

So if you were in my situation, what would you do? *Sigh*

Anyway, my mom's brother died this morning from a motorcycle accident. So we're going to fly to Bacolod this weekend or early next week. That's why I hate motorcyles, it's too dangerous. Be safe everyone. Remember to live life to the fullest (corny but true!). Virtual hugs. And hope you're all having a great week.

 My prayer:
Thank you Lord for each and everyday of my life.
Let me live each day in and for your glory. 
I surrender everything to You.
Amen.  =)


  1. Sorry to hear about your uncle. My nephew died because of a motorcycle accident. Sorry for your loss. My condolences. Hug.

  2. thanks Melai:) Sana sunugin na lahat ng motor. haha! Ang angas pa ng mga nagmomotor usually noh? Grr. Oh well, it's the Lord's will and plan so we're hopeful:)

  3. Aww condolences to your family, Aisa! :(

    Btw, wow! That interview is such an achievement! It's my dream to work for a magazine... but if the pay is really low, maybe... I'd still accept it (if it's for my favorite magazine). What magazine is that for? If you don't mind sharing hahaha!!! Btw, do you know where to buy mannequins online? Thanks in advance babe!

  4. I know how you feel. Not that I claim to know exactly but I was in the same situation. When I graduated out of college, I was offered several magazine-related jobs. However, the coinciding salary wasn't enough to keep me afloat. I've known this from the start, tbh, my short stint as a model allowed me to go around modeling for magazines that could only afford to pay me in kind. :\ Not that it's a bad thing but it's understandable. Though I had my parent's support, I didn't exactly want to burden them so I offered my freelance services to contribute via styling or article writing.

    Hope it works out for you. Like you, I too have to worry about paying my rent and rationing a part of my salary to sate my "fashion" needs. A bit impractical but it's what makes me happy.

  5. Oh, my deepest condolences to your family. It was great to be called for an interview for a magazine job but then always follow what your heart tells you. The salary may not be enough but if it's your dream job then go for it. If not, then it's okay :D

  6. condolence to your family, ms. aisa :( my family friend also died from a motor cycle accident. truly isn't safe to ride those things, especially here in manila where they don't have their own lanes.

    About the job, too bad it doesn't pay as much, but i believe it was a good experience :) being offered something like that isn't everyday and that just means you're really good at what you do, ms. aisa :) maybe God has something better ;)

    love the items! tomato has good finds. :)

  7. @Ashley - will email you doll!:)

    @Domz - thanks for making me feel better:) It's good to know that someone understands the dilemma I'm in. I'd probably try what you suggested--contributing articles or freelance styling stints. I can't give up my online store, okay paying homebased job, school, vacations, blog just yet. Still praying for guidance. Thanks again babe!

  8. @Carizza and Ava- thank you so much!:)

  9. I'm sorry for your loss Aisa. I know what you mean about motorcycles. Sigh.

    Gosh, sounds like a really amazing opportunity! I'd be confused, too, if I were in your position. I can relate because I pay for everything myself din -- rent, bills, daily transpo, food...and it's hard not to be "mukhang pera" in the face of it all. Ganun talaga eh.

    But won't your shop be able to sustain the rest of your needs? Hmm. I dunno, I just think you might regret not taking the job later on.\=

  10. @Bestie - I know it's really amazing. *sigh* And some people will give up anything for that kind of job. But the editor already warned me that this job is highly demanding. She even said she's afraid I won't be able to do everything I'm doing now like blog, or maintain the shop since the job will eat up 100% of my time. =c Even vacations are a no no na. Worst of all no benefits din. Maybe I'll just try freelancing or something. Or I'll try to raise the salary bar! Baka magka milagro. Hehe. Thanks Bestie!=)

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle.That's a great achievement getting that interview! unfortunately, most job in fashion don't pay very well and if you got lot of outgoings, then you'll end up in a tricky financial situation. However, opportunities are rare to come by, and the competition is fierce. I'd probably take the job, just to get my foot on the ladder and then drastically cut my spending to a bare minimum. Hope whatever you chose works out!

  12. oh dear, that's too bad :( i know what you mean when you say "too old" cos i'll be turning 26 too in a month! don't you wish opportunities like that happened while you were 20? sigh. but hayaan mo na, it means its not for you. better things will come :) im intrigued too as to what magazine it is!!! share!! :)


  13. Awesome outfit and it is a pity about the pay :( I am sure that something else will come up for you.

    Embracing Style

  14. Follow what your heart says, Pax! Remember what St. Benedict said? "Listen with the ear of your heart."---and it will lead you right. :D

    Oh, my condolences..I hate motorcycles too..

  15. aww, i felt sad for you aisa! it must be indeed hard to be put in that kind of situation. it reminds me of the movie Confessions of a Shopaholic, when Becky turned down her dream job.Haha!
    anyhoo, idk about you but i've been more of the follow-your-heart-type of girl so if i were in your situation, i'd really consider taking the job esp. if it's something that i truly want. pero ikaw pa din ang magdedecide sa huli.(haha ka-pressure?) think it through. oh and i'm sorry for your loss...

    on a lighter note, love your jeggings! :)

  16. omg just read the complete story here... so sad to hear about your uncle dear- my condolences to ur family! my prayers for the repose of his soul.

    as for you dream job, so sad it didn't get to follow through but i'm thinking there are so much more opportunities to open up for you! :) and you still rock!


  17. Aisa darling, congratulations about the job offering! Though the cons may outweigh the pros, the fact that they sought you out just proves how far you're already making it. We're all so very proud of you :)

    Deepest condolences to you and your family. I hope that all is well and I'm very sorry for your loss dear.

  18. love your jumpsuit!
    those are great buys :)


  19. super happy to hear about your interview! i mean you getting known for your fashion!!! ah i heard about the pay for ppl in magazines are not that much. good luck!

    sorry to hear about your uncle. condolence.

  20. I wish I could give advice but the commenters above have much more sensible opinions. It sounds like a good opportunity though, congratulations on snagging it!

    Good luck with your decision, Aisa!

    B from A plus B

  21. pax! I have the same blog entry a few weeks ago, but for an online mag ..mas nanaig lang for me my business and ''time'' ko--(mayaman tayo sa oras e noh hehe), so i turned it down. Of course it's a different decision/situation for you..so kahit anung youll go for, we will support you, and im proud to be your friend!ΓΌ nakakaproud din yang experience na yan na panghahawakan mo, so congrats!ΓΌ

  22. wow.. what a jampacked day you had.. i wouldn't really know how i'd manage out of the situation with the fashion magazine.. it's a good opportunity and please, dont say that you're getting old.. because really, that's not true.. here in north america, age is something that people get over with. don't let the age 'barrier' limit you.. but i do understand that you'd have to be practical too. it's hard. i wouldn't know what to decide on either if i were in the same situation.

    anyway, my condolences to your family. i have family who just recently got in a vehicular accident yesterday. luckily, no one got badly injured. be safe..

    Animated Confessions

  23. oh pax, i have mixed emotions brought about by this post. akala ko happiness na because you got interviewed for a job that you want...and then it turns out the pay ain't good pala...and then your uncle passed away pa (condolences, my dear).

    if i were in your position, i'd go ask the editor how fast the work turn around is (promotion, salary increase, bonus, etc...) because those are some of the factors which can help you gauge whether the job is worth pursuing. if they tell you that the climb to the high ranks takes a while (and by "a while", i mean "really slow"), i would probably decline because let's face it, we all have to be practical, and money does matter. and the fact that the job is going to eat up one's time is a definite no-no for me.

    but my suggestion is, why not try the job for let's say, 4-6 months, if you really like it. if after that time frame, you realize that you're not gonna go anywhere with a small pay...then leave and go find another job.

    i hope this advice helps.


  24. aww that's a tough decision! any job is better than racking up crazy student fees like me haha.

    i'm sorry for your loss :( i hope your family is okay and the angels keep watch over you~

  25. Oh man, that's my dream job. :( I'm so inggit. Meanwhile, I can't get a break. I haven't had a styling gig for months; I wish I could go and bounce back. :( Good luck with that! What did you study in FIP, btw? I'm interested cos I considered FIP when I was looking for styling classes 2 years ago. How was it?

    Also, I'm sorry to hear about your uncle. Condolences to your family. :(

  26. i love your shoes, i always admire them in your posts... :)

    my deepest condolences to your family. I hope you find peace and comfort in this difficult time.

    ps a truck actually hit my car two months ago, quite traumatizing

  27. Wow. It's a very difficult situation you're in - I'm very interested to see what you do with this career opportunity. I would also not know what to do.

    Also, I'm very sorry about your mother's brother. My condolences.


  28. Hey Aisa,
    It finally hit me. I think I know you :) Did you work for RDS before? I used to be with TRU Marketing naman :)


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